Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012: A pretty good year for me

2012 is ending differently that it started. Better.  At the beginning of the year I was still an ACES teaching assistant and we were slammed and I was really questioning if I was going to stay.  The delinquents were getting to me badly.  But I hung on and got the job as the first ever Wright attendance clerk starting in September.  A big change in job responsibilities, inside the building and many fewer delinquents.  It's fun to hang with the normal kids.  I don't do much attendance but I'm pretty busy all day.  And I make more money.

Over spring break, I got a new Honda Civic.  I heart my car

I still like the 10 weeks off in the summertime.  It's my favorite part of this school thing.  In July I went to Dallas to Uncle T's birthday party.  It was a huge surprise for him with Uncle D coming from Iowa and cousins from Florida and North Carolina that I had not seen in about 40 years.  And I discovered a few family things that are interesting.  Dinner was made by a private chef and was amazing.  I've never had a meal like that before in my life.  Uncle T had a great time and talks about the party to this day.

After I left Dallas, I drove to my cousins Glynneth and Mike's house in New Braunfels.   I was there 5 days and we shopped til we dropped and ate until we almost exploded.  It was a great time and then it was great to be home.

In late August I started the new job and I have an office!!   It's pretty cool.

The Rangers and the Red Raiders both broke my heart this year but 2013 is bringing big changes to both teams so I am ever hopeful.

We had snow on Christmas and it's raining now.  Moisture is good.

I have another week of Christmas break.  A really good thing.

I'm looking forward to 2013.

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