Monday, August 30, 2010

Iowa State Capitol

I'm kind of a goober in that I like to visit a state capitol building if I'm in the city so here is the Iowa State Capitol.  My guide book said it was "bling heavy".  Pretty true...the dome is gold.

Not the greatest picture but a really pretty building.

Here is the dome from inside.  I know it's upside down but the flag must be right side up from the top.  I had another picture from the other side but it was still not right.

These are the legislator's mailboxes.  Just thought it was a cool picture.

This is the law library.  Way cool staircases.

These are the dolls displayed that show a replica of inauguration gowns of the fiirst ladies.  The dolls all look alike and they are pretty ugly, as are some of the dresses.  The biggest problem in this picture is me in the middle in the mirror taking the picture.  I could not figure out how to get me out.

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