Friday, August 13, 2010

Eat Pray Love ***Spoilers***

I went to the first movie I've been to today to see a movie that I was realy looking forward to called 'Eat, Pray, Love' with Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem.   It's about a New York writer who leaves her husband and decides to take a year and 'find herself'.   She first heads to Italy for the Eat part.  She loses her carb guilt & took her body from a size 2 to a size 4.  She meets local friends and shares meals with them and heck, I don't know what she learned there.

Next stop, India.  This would be the pray part.  Before she left NY she had a young boyfriend who introduced her to an Indian spiritual leader and her HQ is in India.  She checks into a compound kind of thing and chants and meditates and befriends Nate Sr from 'Six Feet Under'.    She apparently learns to forgive herself for not being a good wife or something...again, not sure.  I do find it especially annoying that she is looking for spiritual enlightenment in a culture that sees women as property.

Third stop is Bali.  This is the love part.  She's just hanging out with a wise medicine man who iosss supposed to finish the lessons.  She also meets Javier Bardem, a sensitive, divorced father and ends up falling for him,  I possibly would have too.

I've been thinking about it most of the day and I'm not sure I liked it.  I find it amusing...ok, annoying, that this NY woman who has a man who loves her, money, a job as a travel writer that has allowed her 29 stamps on her passport and yet she cannot find happiness.  She turns away from people who care about her.  She mopes throughout most of the movie.  Til the end as a matter of fact.  I did not see any spiritual enlightenment or frankly anything that would cause any.  Christianity is my thing so I don't understand turning to anything else.  I do find it hard to believe anyone finding the spirituality they are looking for in a place where people are starving outside the gate.

The woman is a whiner.

The movie was way too long.

** out of ***** for the scenery and Javier Bardem only.

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