Monday, August 30, 2010

Editing in public

I was at lunch the other day at a family restaurant in Des Moines with my 68 year old uncle and his wife and these students came in.  There were 4 girls and 2 boys and they were seated right next to us, even though there were plenty of tables.  During the time we shared restaurant space, we also got the opportunity to hear the apparent story of a small part of their lives.   We got to hear drunk stories, barf stories,  sex stories.  They actually used the term 'finger screwed'.   Lucky for that small edit I guess.   They were also talking about being Tri-Delt seniors so I guess they were at least old enough to drink.

Do they seriously not know how classless they are having the conversation, much less in public where people with class have to hear it?  Was it that important to share these details with total strangers?

On the other side of the coin, our waiter was their age.  He looked like a kid who has had to work his way through school, start to finish.  Probably no frat parties or 7 day drunks in Puerta Vallerta for him.  He probably doesn't have a Beamer in the parking lot of the family restaurant. But I'd hire him any day if I had a job to offer him.   The brats of table one?   Nah...not even if I had a family restaurant,

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