Monday, June 28, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I think the movie will be out in November and they released the trailer today.  It's for part one only with part 2 coming next year.  It was a long book and would be impossible to get into 1 movie so it will be interesting to see how they divide it up.  I am enormously looking forward to this movie.

I am a huge HP fan.  I came aboard shortly after book 3 was published and then devoured the 1st three books and then had the last 4 in my mailbox on delivery day.  I saw an interview with JK Rowling where she said her greatest fear was dying and it was mine too--her dying before I got to know the end of the story.  And then I ready book 7 so quickly I know I missed many things.    So I went back and re-read books 1-6 and now I need to re-read book 7 before I see the movie so I'll understand what's going on.

I now there is praise everywhere but Ms Rowling really is a good writer and has a brilliant imagination.  Oddly, as with everything, she has her critics, the most bizarre of which is by the churchy's  who believe she is promoting  the occult.  Spoken like people who never read the books.  Harry, Ron & Hermoine happen to be wizards but the books are about friendship, good versus evil and the power of love.  No wizards in the Bible but the rest of the stuff sounds familiar.

I will be sad when the adventure is over.

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