Monday, February 1, 2010

John Edwards

I got my People Magazine yesteray and on the cover is Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of John Edwards, the former senator from the state of South Carolina and former presidential candidate. It chronicles Elizabeth's journey for the last 3 years as she's been diagnosed with breast cancer and is now in stage 4 and 'incurable'. They have been married for more than 30 years, have 4 kids, went through the death of their son who I think was killed by a drunk driver, have been through 2 presidential campaigns and have faced this cancer for a few years. Then, last year the rumors start that he has had an affair with a campaign worker and that he has another daughter. At first he denied the affair, then conceded the affair but denied the child. Now it comes out that he has indeed acknowledgted that the precious little girl is his.

Now we find out that Elizabeth has known of the affair for a couple of years and she found out about the child this summer. I have to wonder why she stayed, why she did not show his sorry butt the door but instead she's tried to make things work. She was out of remission and stood beside him as he ran for president even though it probably would have been better for her to be at home, for her health and her kids. She tried to work things out after she found out about the affair. She is dying and fought hard for a family so she can leave her little ones behind. But apparently, the baby was the final straw. Apparently divorce papers are drawn up. In a classy move, she went to meet the child and too her Christmas presents. John has moved out. She's ready to move on.

So to recap, this "man" married a good woman, made her promises, fathered her children, then had unprotectd sex with a bimbo, denied the affair, denied his child and broke the heart of the sick mother of his children

I can honestly say that this person is worse than Bill Clinton and who knew that was even possible. I can only thinks of one word to describe him. It's not a word that I use very often but sometimes its the only work that fits.

John Edwards is a FUCKER.

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