Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back on Track

I haven't weighed but dont think I've gained too much. But I have gained a little. And I am miserable, absolutely miserable.

I went to AnneMarie's tonight and several of us at the table were talking about weight issues, body image and why we eat. I've been overweight all of my life and thought that just in the last 6 months I had a handle on things but for some reason now I'm not sure. I'm overeating and I don't know why. For some reason, I can't stop. I stopped going to Weight Watcher's meetings to save $$ but I'm still trying to follow the program, because I know it works. I need to get back on track,

So I'm gonna try writing about this journey on a regular basis, good or bad.

Today I went to the movies. I did the right thing when I started the day. I had eggs and toast so I'd not eat at the movies., But then I went to the store on the way to get a Diet Coke and I bought peanuts for the Coke and then they had king size Reese's PB cups on sale so I bought those. My good intentions turned into a Diet Coke, 2 packs of peanuts and 4 Reese's cups, I felt like a slug but kept eating.

Then I ate cheesecake and chips at at AnneMarie's. Slug.

The holidays are over. I am miserable. Please, God, help me get back on track.

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