Saturday, January 26, 2013

Interesting Statistic

Last week we had a workshop that featured an educator with impressive credentials talking about standardized testing and public vs private schools and teaching practical applications more in public schools. He sounded like our district is going to make some changes toward that but of course we'll see.  He did make a point that our public education is maligned all over the world and shown to be lacking but he pointed out that we have "no child left behind" (another subject for another time) while other countries take their top students and leave the others to poverty.  Good point.  But he gave us one more statistic that stunned us:  70% of young adults between the ages of 18 & 23 would not qualify for the military!!  Here are the reasons he cited:

1.  Lack of high school diploma
2. Cannot pass a proficiency test.  Basic lack of reading and math skills.
3.  Obesity
4.  Trouble with the law
4.  Drug problems

When I was a kid, the military was the place kids in trouble went to get straightened out.  Now it's necessary that they know how to work a computer and read a manual, among other things.  70 PERCENT!!

His other observation is that the general lack of proficiency will be reflected in the type of jobs the kids leaving school can get and will be reflected in our welfare system.

I'm not a teacher but I do work in a school and am stunned by the reading, writing and math skills of our elementary students.  I am scared for our future, pure and simple.  And I work in a lower performing school where our teachers can do their best but there is nothing going on at home to help.  We do have parents who call for help because they care but don't have the education to help their kids with their homework and a circle begins.

I hope changes are on the horizon.

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