Saturday, January 26, 2013


This past week, the door of our Pre-K class--4 & 5 year olds--has made me smile every time I passed it.  Apparently, they were given all of the same bird parts and left to their imagination when putting them together.  The result is this:

This is perhaps a great argument for a few things:

1.The continuation of head start and pre-k programs.  Most of these kids don't have this fun or stimulating stuff at home.  At least not the kids that go to my school.  Many come in with really low skills because they are treated like babies at home, even at 4 years old.  Our teachers should not have to teach half the class how to use a spoon.

2.  The need for art classes in school.  And music.  Not every kid will be Stephen Hawking.  We need to encourage this creativity.  No cookie cutter kids here!!

3.  And that leads into standardizing every can't tell me that these little minds are all going to get great STAR test results.  And, unfortunately, that is all that seems to matter.

I heart these kids.

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