Saturday, March 17, 2012

Insomnia and eating right and exercising, etc.

I've discussed it before and I'll discuss it again.  It is a recurring problem, since Tech in the late 70's.  I absolutely cannot go to sleep.  I've been off all week and been up at 4am on 4 of those days.  I'm not getting up early...just not going to sleep at all.  Then when I go back to bed, I'm up about 830 for the day.  It's here again and it's getting old.  I had actually gotten to stop with the sleeping pills for awhile but I guess I'll have to start again.  I'm beginning to blither, with complete idiot right around the corner.  I have not been following my Weight Watchers like I should so that's probably the deal.  Vacation is over.  Back to being good.

On WW I get plenty to eat so what is my deal?  I have always--apparently--had horrible eating habits and I also apparently hate structure.  I certainly hate cooking.  I certainly find it easier to grab things without a plan and then  I fall into an old WW habit of not figuring out how to count it and then just blow the tracking off.  That needs to stop.  You'd think I'd find the time when I only sleep 4 hours a day!!

And what's up with that treadmill in there and me in here.  It seems that never the two shall meet.  I like doing it when I'm doing it and I like how it makes me feel.  I just need a big push.  Again, lots of time on my hands!  I could be doing the Biggest Loser exercise thing.  I need Bob.

All I can vow to do is try to do better.  And it's my vow.  I hope I can keep it.

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