Sunday, September 29, 2013

Burn Notice

The finale was a few weeks ago but I just got around to watching the last 3 episodes today.  This was the end of 7 seasons.  I don't normally start watching a show until it's been on for a year or so because the networks have taken to cancelling them after a week or so.  Luckily, USA is better in letting their audience develop a friendship with their shows.  I did not watch the first 2 seasons when they happened but with the help of Netflix I got to watch them in about a week.  Then I got into the routine of recording and watching every year.  I got to know Michael, Fiona, Sam, Maddie and Jessie over the years and even though I am not sure their world is real (or at least I hope not!) their adventures were exciting & I enjoyed every minute. I especially loved Sharon Gless as Maddie, Michael's mom.  I remember her as Christine Cagney and her Maddie is so full of layers and I'll bet she showed these kids a thing or two about everything!

The ending left it open for a spinoff for Sam and Jesse and USA if you are in, I'm in.  And I do so hope Michael and Fi do live happy ever after in a land of plenty of C3 and Yogurt!!

Thanks for the fun ride.  I'm going to miss you all.

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