Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random Vacation Pictures

They don't necessarily fit anywhere else and are not really interesting enough for their own post so they are lumped together.

Ernie Biggs Dualing Piano Bar
The only picture I took in Springfield Mo.  I expected historic downtown and this was the only picture I really thought looked worth taking.  Disappointed a bit.

Ernie Biggs has one of these in Little Rock too.

Branson Pedestrian Mall
On the street in Branson, before the monsoon.   It truly is a tourist town, I have to give them that credit.  Nice clean streets (even before the rain), lots of attractions and very friendly people.  The traffic has no doubt overtaken them and that could use some improvement and the economy has hit hard.  Lots of theaters with big names but it does not look like the big names perform there much.  I saw a house show called  The Duttons, a clean cut family with a lot of fiddles and a lot of kids.  They were in the Dutton Family Theater in front of the Dutton Family Inn Hotel.  The theater was about 1/4 full but it looks like the perform at least 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day and they have another theater in Phoenix so they winter there.  It was a nice show and they know their audience.  I was touched where they sang the military songs and had people in the audience stand up when their song came up.  Very sweet to see a lot of older veterans there.  I got there late because of the rain so no pictures.  Its going to be my pat excuse.   The Duttons have a lot of mouths to feed so sing on.

They also had dancing fountains.  These were dancing to Kung Fu Fighting.  They also had aquatic ducks, the jeep things that turn into boats and I've wanted to ride them since the first Travel Channel special I saw on them but the timing wasn't right.  Someone was watching for me because the rain started right as it left and the riders would have needed to be ducks.

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