Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Clinton Library

Let me begin by saying that Bill Clinton is a horndog.  No dispute there.  I hate the questionable morals he brought to the White House and even if he and Hillary have "an arrangement" I hope it did not include bringing shame to the position of President of the United States or humiliating his daughter.  That being said, he is a charismatic man, no dispute there either.  And I think I'd like him in person.  My friend Drew, in his cameraman capacity, has met him 3 times and Drew says President Clinton remembers him every time.  His daughter's recent wedding pictures show he loves her more than anything.  His charm and commitment to public service seem genuine.  His 'I come from a town called Hope' speech sticks in my memory because it was amazing.   So, I made it a priority to see his Presidential Library, again with my buddy Drew as my tour guide.  I'm told that around Little Rock, it's know as the double wide, which in Little Rock is a compliment!!

The building has a lot of glass and the reflection was not the best for my pictures so we are kind of limited.  It was way cool to see.  He had his agenda for every day he was there and you could pull any date to see where he was and what he was doing.  I pulled my birthday on one of the years and he was in St Louis and back and managed 4 pages of agenda.  On Drew's birthday, a Sunday, he went to church and played golf so it wasn't all work!!

Entrance to William J Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, Ar
The entrance.  Gray on gray?  Hmmm.  Might have rethought that one.

President Drew

Drew in the President's chair in the conference room.  The Secretary of Defense sits to his left at all cabinet meetings.   The Presidential chair is 2 inches taller than the other chairs.

President Clinton's desk

Ceiling in Oval Office
The Clinton Oval Office

The Seal in the carpet

From 1993 Inaugural Address.  I agree!!

Clinton School of Public Service
The Clinton School of Public Service is the only place a person can receive a Master of Public Service degree in the US (and probably anywhere else).  It is located beside the library and can accommodate 60 students at a time

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