Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am a team player. Really.

It's been awhile and I'm not sure why I have not posted but no apologies...just lazy.  Not sure if I am un-lazy now but ...

Ok, at work there is a social committee that costs $40 a year and everyone is expected to join.  They use the money for, among other things, a small birthday gift, presents for the principal and asst principal, shower cakes, monthly stuff in our boxes, funeral and hospital flowers.  Other than the principal gifts, none of this applies to me. There will never be a funeral of an immediate family member.  If I die and don't get flowers, I'll be ok.  There will be no one left behind to write a thank you note.  No babies, no weddings.  My birthday is in the summer.  I don't care if I don't get a special treat in my box.   I'll donate to the principal gifts but am not going to do the social committee and I feel like I will be seen as a non-team player.    For 34 years of working I have contributed and the only thing in return was flowers for Mom & Daddy's funerals (after 'no flowers please' in the obits.  I think they are a waste of $$...give to the foodbank.  Another story..).   I have had no babies but have participated in seriously 100 or so showers, between babies and weddings.   Nothing for me.
And I am tired of giving.   Am I being selfish?  Probably but ...don't care.  Not participating.

Am I wrong?

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