Saturday, April 25, 2009


This I inheirited from m dad...I really like boxing. I'm sitting here now watching 2 grown men beat each other senseless for entertainment purposes. And the money of course. I'm watching a man named Froche with his nickname 'Cobra' on the front and back of his little Union Jack covered shorts and he's fighting a man named Taylor who has the word 'Arkansas' and a Razorback on his butt and a US flag on his little shorts. And both were interviewed and they even sound pretty intelligent. For girly sounding morons, Google interviews with Mike Tyson (truly an animal and not in a good way) or Oscar De La Hoya who sounds like a 12 year old girl.

The only thing I hate is the round girl in her bikini

On a strange note, on 'Rock of Love with Bret Michaels' the loser from last season claims her name is Daisy De La Hoya and that she and Oscar are cousins. Speaking of morons. The entire family has a total IQ of 47. Now Daisy is the star of her own show on VH1 that shows her looking for love so I can only assume she has a good manager because there is no way she is smart enough to take care of herself. I won't be watching Daisy. Once really is enough

Pimento Cheese

I've always liked it but it has been my best friend the last week or so. I have 3 temporary crowns and pimento cheese is soft and not too hard on the old mouth. So basically it's been my main food source for the last 10 days. I'll have to see if I still like it when I get the permanent crowns.

Ok, this is a pathetic post

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well the cat is the winner....

Today I looked in the nest and all of the babies are dead. The mama bird probably abandoned them after the cat knocked one out and I scooped it up in a spoon and put it back. So I took the nest to the dumpster, washed out the wreath and put it in the garage. I know it's goofy but it makes me sad. We had life and then death and they never even got to fly. I look for some sad analogy kinda describes me too. And it makes me sad.

Friday, April 17, 2009

That Darn Cat!!!

The devil cat jumped up on the door and knocked one of the babies out of the nest. I managed to run him off and picked up the little birdie with a spoon and put him back in the nest. It will be a miracle if he survives. And I thought all eggs were hatched but there was still one in the nest and he jumped up again and knocked it out and it for sure did not survive. And I'm sad to say that the egg was covered in bodies yesterday and easy to see today. I'm wondering if another bird was already a goner today. It's hard to tell because I don't really want to touch anything because the mama bird may not come back.

That cat and the water bottle and I have a date with destiny.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Birds are here!!

We have birdies!!! 2 hatched yesterday, the other 2 today. I have seen them with their heads up but they won't put them up for the picture...they insist on sleeping!! I have given them secret service code names. Meet Rabbit,
Raccoon, Racehorse and Rock Lobster.

But we do have a problem:

Our mortal enemy...the cat who lives down the street. This is not the actual cat but he looks just like this one and has the same look in his eyes. If he gets near the babies, I hope mama bird boxes his ears.

Meet El Diablo

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter, a long time ago..

I don't know exactly what year this was taken but we lived in on Davis Street in Bagdad from 1st grade--1963 through 3rd grade--1965. I'm thinking 1st grade because I had a particularly rough year on the playground. Notice the wounds on my left leg...not just the bandaid which could have been anything but the scab on the knee which I had my entire 1st grade year as I tended to fall off the merry go round on a regular basis.
Mom made the dress and there was probably some gloves and a new purse to go with the hat. I always got new shoes, a new hat, gloves and purse. The red arm and shadow belongs to Tony King, according to the back of the picture. The only thing I really remember is that I don't think he lived with his parents...or maybe his mom was there but I don't remember a dad around. Maybe he and his mom lived with his grandparents. The house behind him was his...we live across the street. We were about to go to church and had already had Easter baskets and hunted eggs. A few pieces of candy but mostly Paas colored eggs. I can still smell the vinegar. After church there would have been ham or roast for lunch. Then we would have changed into play clothes and played outside til dark.

As you can see, I was a dork even then.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Belly Buttons and Thongs

I think I'm a fud or getting old or possibly both but why do I have to spend time in every store looking at various belly buttons? I don't like it under any circumstance but it is less offensive on skinny little minnies under 20 but when you see a 200 pound 50 year old woman whose belly is hanging over her pants like an old man's and the there is a 4 inch gap between the bottom of the shirt and the bottom of the belly, it's not attractive. I have to wonder if it is an intended fashion statement or if she just doesn't have any clothes that fit.

And THEN...the clerk in the store squats down and her shirt is too short and you see her thong hanging out the back of her pants...hmmm...not attractive!!!

If I had a cute little body and not the aforementioned big belly I'd want to show it off too and these little girls can dress really cute but too little is sometimes too much.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I love cupcakes.

There is a new store in Lubbock called 'Peace of Cake' and all they sell is cupcakes. Apparently they get up at 4am and make the cakes 6 days a week and sell til they sell out every day. If they don't sell out, they give the cakes to their neighbors. Today, I bought a cupcake. It was chocolate chip with puffy buttercream icing. And it was $2.50. It was a pretty good cupcake but it was no $2.50 cupcake. I'm pretty sure they don't use cake mixes but if they did they could make 24 cupcakes from a box. That is $60. Of course, puffy icing is probably not cheap.

It will be interesting to see if they are open in a year.

Birdie Update

I have done a little reading on robins in the last couple of days and I've learned a litttle more. Robins tend to always lay 4 eggs, no more, no less and sure enough, this morning I dragged the stool over and there are now 4 eggs. It doesn't exactly say they can count but apparently their little bodies can cover 4 eggs when they spread their little wings. And it takes 12-14 day for the babies to hatch and then another 14 days before the leave home for good. I first discovered the eggs on March 31 so our babies should be hatching by April 14. My camera and I will be ready.