Monday, June 8, 2009

A Good Pocket

As most of you know,I lost my dad in February and most of his stuff was already gone but yesterday I took his heavy denim coat and washed it so I could take it to Goodwill. The inside has fleecy wooly stuff and even though I had seen it a hundred times, I had forgotten that my mom had taken a piece of denim from his Levis and sewed a big old pocket inside. It was a place to put his gloves and pliers or whatever when he was out on horseback or working in the barn so they'd be handy but what I mostly remember is that it was a pretty good place for surprises. If he was out and found a pretty rock or some wildflowers or some wild plums or peaches, they were put in that pocket to bring home to us. I can remember him finding a baby bunny with no mama or a turtle and they rode home to us in that pocket too. We pretty much loved whatever came out of that pocket and we loved our daddy for bringing it home to us.

It was a good pocket.

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