Friday, September 12, 2008

The 100 Year Flood

Yesterday we had 8 inches of rain, the most ever in one day. Or in a hundred years. It's all a little confusing. Channel 11 here is calling it the 100 year flood so maybe it's the most in the last 100 years. Whatever, there is a lot of water out there.

This is the Texas Tech football stadium this morning, The Tech-SMU game is scheduled for 6pm tomorrow. There is a drain under the stadium and the Lubbock fire department hauled water out today. There was a lot of water on the streets yesterday but very little on the road today yet they cancelled public schools, Texas Tech & LCU. Courts were cancelled. Garbage pickup was cancelled. But the game goes on. I have to say I'm happy...see, I go to 1 game every 3 years or so and that game is tomorrow. God Bless Texas!! No city services but football cannot be stopped.

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