Sunday, December 23, 2012 far

I've had a semi-eventful Sunday so far...

Wanted to hit the grocery early since the rest of today and tomorrow will be crazy with Christmas cooks everywhere.  I got out for about $80.  I had not been to the grocery store in a while because I have a ton of food from before.  The spirit of my Mom inhabits me when it comes to food.  She always bought too much--because, I think, of being hungry as a child--and it is a habit that I took from her.  And I have decided to eat my way through my kitchen and then not buy so much so I'll have less stored.  So my $80 bought basics--bread, milk, eggs--and somethings for lunches--hot dogs, lunch meat, spaghetti, tortillas--and stuff to make my Christmas dinner salad and dessert.  And my bananas are green enough to be just right in 2 days!  My 2013 goal is less stored clutter and that includes the kitchen.

The older man--probably about 70--taking me to the car discussed his a trip he took with his "ex" which surprised me.  It just seems like a young people's term.

An older lady delightfully stunned me as I closed my trunk...she was holding out her keys saying it was time to exchange cars.  She wanted the car with the groceries already bought!!  It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about.  Funny.

Then I went to Starbucks where I had a a Light Peppermint Mocha which cost me more $$ and calories that I want to admit.  But it was quite yummy.

Then I looked at email and got a nice surprise on my cell phone bill.  It showed the bill to be my regular amount but the amount due $41 dollars less.  So I called 611 and was told that I received a credit from a number change in Nov 2009 which I'm not sure I am entitled to but the woman on the phone said it was a done deal, so Merry Christmas to me!!

And this did not happen today but on Friday I received a call about some DVD's that I put on Craig's List about a month ago and I got rid of 6 DVD sets and made $30.  Then yesterday I went to Home Depot to get a new toilet seat as the hinge on my old one was broken so basically for the $30 I got a new toilet seat and a Starbucks coffee.  Nice and balanced.

My house is a disaster with partially put up groceries and laundry going and bed unmade and filing undone but all will be cleared up today.  Got clean jammies on and plan on being in all day!!   Woohoo!!

I think I have chosen a color to paint my laundry room.  Maybe.  Possibly.  Spring Break project.

Cops marathon on all day.  It's a good thing.

Probably more blogging later.

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