Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bye Bye Facebook

Tomorrow morning I will delete my Facebook account.  It's been a while coming and today I just decided.  I'm tired of the drama, the daily quotes and pictures, tired of being threatened with the end of the world if I don't repost something.  I have decided that I don't need to know all that much about others nor do they need to know that much about me.  I posted my email address for anyone who wants to keep in touch...I'm not opposed to friendships and keeping up but FB is too much.  I have stayed on because I liked my little farm but the bloom has fallen off that rose too.  It's time to do something more productive with my time and I spent a lot of time on FB.  My friend Greg doesn't think I can do it but as I lived without it before, I can live without it now.

Probably the thing that pushed me over the edge was this afternoon a young friend, my daddy's former next door neighbor, posted something that just blew me away.  This is a sweet girl and today they were all coming back from a cruise that took them from Boston to Canada and it sounds like a great time was had by all.  Her post was something about flying, and "America sucks, I want to go back to Canada"...and I thought really?  Really?   I replied that coming home from vacation sucked, flying sucked but America does not suck.  And a little boy college student replied that Canada was the greatest country in the world.  I started to type that I'd hire him a moving van but erased it and typed that we would have to agree to disagree.  I have nothing against Canada and I know our government has some issues but I still believe America to be the best country on the planet.  Hands down.  Bar none.  Love it or leave it.  The border's thataway^ .  The truth is that i am disappointed in my friend.  I don't know if America sucking is her true feeling or if it was just a flip remark because she was sad her vacation was over.  I do know that I understand more the "say it, forget it-write it, forget it" rule is a good thing to remember.  And I almost mad a flip reply and I don't want to get in a confrontation with a college boy over a remark on FB.   We are, after all, in a land of free speech and lest I forget that, it's time to walk away from it all.  And in my friend's defense, the entire post is gone.

So everyone thought I was clueless before?  Y'all ain't seen nothing yet.

Edited to add I realize I "write it" here but I'm the only person who reads my blog so we're pretty safe.

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