Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Do they exist if you don't write (or type) them somewhere? Will that simple act stop them from being broken? I don't make many anymore. Lose weight. Eat less. Exercise more. Spend less money. The usual.

This year, I have saved money. I take my lunch to work. I'm limiting eating out and shopping. I'm trying to eat less, exercise and lose weight but I've never been a person to beat myself up about it. I like shopping downstairs though so I'm gonna try to stay downstairs. For those of you skinny minnies who don't know what I'm talking about, they put the big mama clothes upstairs in a corner in the department stores so the normal size shoppers won't be offended by the sight. I like shopping downstairs.

I have resolved to not be such a food pack rat though and it's kinda working. If ya'll knew my mom, you'd know I came by this habit naturally. My mom always had a pantry full of food and always bought 2 of everything. And I've done it for years. We waste a lot of food around our house and I hate that so we are buying and making less. Someday I will be at the bottom of my refrigerator & pantry. Maybe.

The last resolution is more rest. Bed time. Night, night.

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